How careful must I be with my new veneers?

Many patients choose veneers because they offer a quick, versatile method for correcting a number of flaws in the smile. These tooth-shaped shells are durable as well. They can last for up to a decade with proper care, another characteristic that appeals to patients.
In placing the veneers, the cosmetic dentist secures the veneer atop the tooth with a strong dental bonding agent, which is also cured to enhance that bond.
The good news is that although veneers are often made of porcelain, that bonding with the natural tooth makes them much stronger than the porcelain would be on its own. In fact, you can do many of the same activities with your veneers that you can with your biological teeth. As an added bonus, porcelain shares many optical qualities with tooth enamel, which gives the veneers their natural appearance, too.
Keep in mind, though, that veneers are not indestructible (nor are biological teeth, for that matter), so you should avoid biting directly into very hard objects (like ice cubes, for example) with them or chewing on non-food items. [pullquote]You can do many of the same activities with your veneers that you can with your biological teeth. [/pullquote]
You should also be sure to keep up a consistent oral hygiene routine to protect your veneers. Brushing and flossing doesn’t become less important after you get veneers. In fact, it’s important to maintain your oral health in order to get the maximum lifespan from your veneers.
When getting your teeth cleaned, you should also alert the dental hygienist to the location of your veneers, as he or she may need to use special instruments in the process.
The veneers that help to restore a damaged smile can last for years if you treat them right. Porcelain veneers are strong, but patients should still use common sense, as any activity that could harm a biological tooth could harm a veneer as well. During the treatment process, ask your cosmetic dentist any questions you may have about proper care for your veneers and what precautions you can take to avoid harming them.
Call 972-458-2464 to schedule an appointment today.