Cosmetic Dentistry: The Art of Beautiful Smiles

If your smile is less than optimal, a cosmetic dentist can help to give you the pearly whites of your dreams. Whether your problem is staining, damaged teeth or misaligned teeth or jaws, there is a cosmetic intervention to address it. Depending on your needs, multiple treatments can be combined to makeover your smile, or you can just get one or two treatments for minor enhancements.
The first step in your path to a more beautiful smile is your initial consultation with the cosmetic dentist. At this appointment, the dentist will evaluate your case, ask about your smile goals and collect the information that will be needed to develop your treatment plan. This is a great opportunity for you to ask any questions that you may have about the treatment process.
After assessing your case, the cosmetic dentist may recommend any of the following treatments:
Zoom! Whitening: There’s a reason we call your teeth your “pearly whites,” because the whiter they are, the more attractive your smile looks. Zoom! Whitening can help make your teeth up to 10 shades whiter in as little as an hour in our office with lasers that are tailored to make the bleaching gel take effect more quickly. Zoom! can be used on its own to brighten your smile or integrated with other treatments.
Dental bonding: This treatment can cover up minor damage to a tooth, such as a small chip. The material used mimics the appearance of enamel, so you don’t have to worry that the restoration will look unnatural.
CEREC crowns: More extensive damage to the tooth may necessitate that a crown be placed as a restoration. If you don’t want to deal with the hassle of multiple appointments and waiting for a couple of weeks while your crown is crafted in a dental lab, our office provides CEREC crowns, which are designed, made and placed in a single appointment. It’s an excellent treatment option for patients who want efficient restorations.
Veneers: These thin, tooth-shaped shells are a dentist’s version of a multi-tool. They can be used to hide chips, cracks or deep stains or they can even help a patient get the appearance of a properly aligned smile in a matter of weeks.
Invisalign: Want a straighter smile without having to spend months or years weighed down by brackets and wires? Invisalign may be the choice for you. This system uses clear plastic trays to reposition the teeth rather than traditional orthodontic appliances.
Safe amalgam removal: Old amalgam (metal) fillings can significantly detract from a smile, but they must be removed carefully to minimize the patient’s exposure to potentially toxic mercury. Our office is equipped to remove these old fillings safely and replace them with tooth-colored fillings.
The practice of enhancing the aesthetics of smiles truly is an art form. To get started on turning your smile into a masterpiece, call our office today to schedule a consultation.
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