Improve Your Smile and Confidence with these Cosmetic Procedures

North Dallas cosmetic dentistDo you dream of having a more attractive smile? Perhaps you’re self-conscious about dental imperfections like stains and chips or misaligned teeth. Our cosmetic dentist offers a number of effective treatment options that enhance imperfect smiles. From teeth whitening and Invisalign to white restorations and porcelain veneers, there isn’t a smile our practice can’t improve.

Zoom Whitening

Years of exposure to coffee and wine can take a toll on the color of our teeth. Yellowed teeth and the development of permanent stains can make our smiles less attractive. A professional teeth whitening treatment can lighten your teeth up to ten shades brighter. Our cosmetic dentist administers Zoom teeth whitening, a service that utilizes prescription grade whitening solutions and FDA-approved lasers for a fast, safe, and effective enhancement to your smile.

Porcelain Veneers

For those in need of a total smile makeover, porcelain veneers might be the right treatment option for your needs. Veneers are versatile cosmetic enhancements that are bonded over the outsides of teeth to hide flaws like chips, cracks, gaps, tooth wear, and stains.

Dental Bonding

Like veneers, dental bonding can conceal many dental imperfections. While dental bonding isn’t as durable or long lasting as receiving veneers, it is an affordable option for improving the aesthetics of your teeth. A bonding treatment involves placing a tooth-colored compound called composite resin over flaws like chips, small gaps, and stains.

CEREC Crowns

CEREC crowns are beautiful, white restorations that can be placed in one office appointment. Unlike conventional dental crowns, CEREC doesn’t take weeks to fabricate because these restorations are milled from beautiful blocks of ceramic at our practice using CAD/CAM technology. CEREC crowns not only improve the appearance of teeth, they strengthen them, too.


Orthodontic treatment can make a world of difference in your appearance. Invisalign is an effective treatment option that’s also comfortable and discreet. Using clear, retainer-like appliances, Invisalign can correct the positioning of your teeth, improve your occlusion, and reduce your risks for developing common conditions like dental caries and gingivitis.
If you’re ready to achieve a beautiful smile, call our practice to reserve a smile makeover consultation with our cosmetic dentist.

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