Is snoring interfering with the quality of your sleep?

dentist DallasHave you ever woken yourself up snoring? Do you wake with dry mouth and a headache? Perhaps you feel perpetually tired, even after sleeping for eight hours. While snoring might be a nuisance for some, for others it’s a symptom of a condition called obstructive sleep apnea.

This condition affects the quality of your sleep and over time, without treatment, it can lead to mental health concerns, increased risks for chronic health conditions, and severe sleep deprivation.

What is sleep apnea?

Sleep apnea refers to short periods of breathing cessation. Those who have obstructive sleep apnea will be unable to breathe during rest because soft oral tissue is blocking their airway. A person can go without breathing for about minute, at which point the brain will send waking signals to rouse a sleeper so that he or she can resume proper breathing.

When a person has obstructive sleep apnea, he or she will endure repeated patterns of breathing cessation followed by slight wakefulness hundreds of times in an eight-hour period. Breathing cessation and wakefulness will affect a person’s ability to progress through each stage of sleep. Interrupted sleep can lead to memory loss, depression, difficulty concentrating, and noticeable irritability.

Inadequate rest presents other health concerns, too. People with sleep apnea can develop higher risks for stroke and cardiovascular disease. They may also suffer with weakened immune systems and low energy levels.

How is sleep apnea treated?

Getting enough rest is a crucial part of maintaining a healthy mind and body. This is why it’s important to seek accurate diagnoses and professional treatment for obstructive sleep apnea. Our dentist utilizes oral appliance therapy – a comfortable, convenient, and cost-effective way to get the rest you need and deserve.

Oral appliance therapy involves wearing a custom-made device that fits inside the mouth like a mouthguard. It positions the lower jaw forward to increase the airway. Widening the diameter of the airway can make it easier to breathe properly during sleep.

If you have questions about sleep apnea treatment, call Kozlow & Rowell Dentistry to reserve a consultation with our dentist. Be advised that sleep studies are necessary to confirm a diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea.

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