After losing several teeth, or being without an entire row, it can feel as though your smile is lost forever. It can also become difficult for you to maintain a balanced and nutritious diet, as many foods you once enjoyed can be difficult to eat. Losing confidence in your ability to address this issue can leave you resigned to these problems, as well as future issues like jawbone resorption that can occur in time. A discussion about treatment with partial or full dentures can help you understand that recovery is possible. The right restoration can give you back confidence in the way you look while also resolving problems with limited bite strength and more.
Partial and full dentures are capable of filling in your smile and giving you back functional and cosmetic support. These restorations make it easier to bite, chew, and speak, can make your daily life more comfortable, and in some cases help with jawbone tissue loss. Partial dentures can fill in non-adjacent gaps in a row of teeth. This kind of restoration is removable rather than fixed. Both removable and fixed dentures are available to respond to the total loss of a row of teeth. Your options include treatment with dental implants to hold the restoration. With this solution, you can have welcome added stability for your bite, and you can create stimulation in the jawbone tissues that will help you avoid a loss of density in the bone.
With partial and full dentures, our practice is able to help patients who have experienced more significant tooth loss. Kozlow And Rowell Dentistry is proud to help patients who require these restorations in order to regain smile confidence as well as a healthy dental function. In all of our services, we strive to provide holistic care experiences and lifelike results! For more information, call our Dallas, TX dental office at (972) 458-2464.