Is Sedation an Option for Cosmetic Dental Procedures?

Many patients deal with anxiety when faced with going to the dentist. Even the most benign procedures such as having teeth cleaned could be uncomfortable. Many dental providers, including cosmetic dentists, have made sedation an option for patients from hygiene visits to most any treatment that threatens the dental health of fearful, anxious patients.
Many insurance companies have recognized that nervous individuals need a little help when it comes to easing their anxiety about an upcoming dental appointment. Checking with your insurance provider is prudent if you fall into the severely anxious patient category for coverage eligibility.
In addition to anxious patients, there are many people who are unable to stay in the needed prone position for the time needed to complete many procedures. Oral sedation is ideal for these patients.
Oral sedation dentistry provides the patient the option to keep dental appointments that once were unthinkable to attend. The patient will take a sedative at home about one hour prior to their scheduled appointment. Upon arrival, the dentist will administer any needed additional sedatives.
The patient’s vital signs are continually monitored to guarantee safety and comfort. The patient arrives for their appointment at ease, and is able to maintain that level of relaxation throughout their procedure. Although always conscious, many patients cannot recall their appointment … as if they slept through it.
With sedation dentistry, the patient must plan ahead to make sure they have reliable transportation to and from their dental appointment. The patient should not plan to attend work or school following their dental procedure, and would be best served with having someone remain with them for about four hours following their return home in the event they experience any kind of reaction to the sedation or the treatment itself.
Although many procedures have an aesthetic benefit, their treatment is often needed. For example, dental decay is treated with a filling. Although considered safe, many cosmetic dentists, general dental providers and patients no longer wish to employ dental amalgam as a means to treat dental decay. Tooth colored fillings and bonding used for cosmetic repairs are comprised of a product known as composite resin that is completely safe, while providing a most natural, long lasting repair.
Sedation dentistry provides an avenue for anxious patients to obtain needed and desired dental treatment in a safe, controlled, and comfortable atmosphere.
Call the office of Dr. Philip R. Kozlow at 972-458-2464 and schedule an appointment to discuss your cosmetic dentistry options today.