Smile Confidently with Porcelain Veneers

A great smile can make a huge difference for your confidence and demeanor. If your teeth are stained, misshapen, uneven; if you have chipped enamel or gaps between teeth; or deal with gum recession, you can resolve one or many of these dental maladies with porcelain veneers. A consultation with your cosmetic dentist will outline how you may benefit with the help of a smile makeover and porcelain veneers.

What is a veneer?

A veneer is a wafer thin, tooth colored shell that is made to match neighboring untreated teeth in size, contour, and color. Porcelain is a stain resistant material that adds strength to treated teeth.
Treatment with veneers is a minimally invasive procedure that can improve the appearance of one or multiple teeth to resolve any of the following conditions:
Dental Stain
Dental enamel can become stained or discolored due to illness, medications, neglect, lifestyle habits, food and beverage consumption … some stain can be eliminated by teeth cleaning or whitening, but when other cosmetic options are insufficient to give you the smile you want, porcelain veneers can.
Uneven or Misshapen Dentition
You can modify your smile in a matter of weeks by covering teeth that may be uneven or misshapen.
Chipped Enamel; Close Unwanted Gaps
One or more chipped teeth or gaps can be treated with porcelain veneers. Your cosmetic dentist will remove a thin amount of enamel from teeth requiring repair. Dental impressions will allow the dental lab to fabricate veneers that will eventually be cemented to the front of teeth.
Your cosmetic dentist will caution that porcelain will not respond to attempts to whiten so if you wish to lighten teeth, do so before veneers are made so that they will be made to match your newly whitened dentition.

Caring for Veneers

Before cementing in place, veneers will be tried in for fit and appearance. Minor adjustments can be made chairside, if needed.
You will be advised not to bite into hard, sticky, or crunchy foods. Cut food into smaller bites; if a veneer should break or become dislodged, it may have to be replaced.
Daily brushing and flossing coupled with visits to the dentist every six months should provide all the care your newly treated teeth require to allow you to enjoy a bright, new, and confident smile.
To learn more about your smile makeover options, contact the office of Dr. Philip Kozlow and schedule a consultation today.