Tips to Prevent Tooth Decay

mercury-free-dentistry-PlanoTooth decay can have very serious consequences and result in the loss of tooth and bone in the most severe cases. Therefore, decay prevention should be a primary goal of any patients who wants to preserve a beautiful, healthy smile. Include these components in your action plan for cavity prevention.

  • Consume a healthy diet with minimal sweet treats, especially sticky foods that can leave a residue on your teeth. These foods could present an energy source for oral bacteria that cause decay.
  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day, for at least two minutes each time, to reduce the presence of bacteria-containing plaque.
  • Floss daily to get at the hidden surfaces that can’t be accessed by a toothbrush. Food can get lodged in the spaces between your teeth, and plaque can build up there as well.
  • See a dental professional, such as a holistic dentist, every six months for exams and cleanings. This also helps to limit the amount of oral bacteria and gives the patient the opportunity for prompt treatment if a cavity does develop.

Unfortunately, not all patients will be able to prevent decay, but prompt treatment can help to minimize its ability to spread. In these cases, patients may want to consider mercury free dentistry for a more aesthetically pleasing cavity filling with less exposure to toxins. Composite, or tooth-colored, fillings also have a stronger bond with enamel, so less healthy tooth material needs to be removed to accommodate the filling.
Mercury free dentistry can even benefit patients who want to upgrade from old unsightly metal fillings. A holistic dentist can remove the metal fillings and replace them with tooth-colored ones. Select your dentist carefully, though, to ensure that all safeguards are in place to minimize your exposure to mercury as the old filling is removed.
Talk to your dentist to make sure you are doing everything possible to prevent tooth decay and explore all of your options if treatment for a cavity becomes necessary in your case. To learn more or to schedule a visit, contact the office of Dr. Philip Kozlow at 972-458-2464.

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