Holistic Dentistry: Explained

Many people are beginning to understand the benefits of being more in sync with nature and exploring natural remedies and solutions for their health and wellness. This trend is inspiring people to make holistic changes to all areas of their life, including their dental appointments. More and more, holistic dentistry is becoming a preferred oral… Continue reading Holistic Dentistry: Explained

Understanding Conscious Sedation During Dental Procedures

Sitting in the dentist’s chair can be a little unnerving. Sometimes simple distraction techniques are enough to put a patient at ease, but for bigger procedures, a sedative might be necessary. But what about conscious sedation? Sedation helps anxious patients to relax during dental treatment, especially complex procedures. Nitrous oxide is a popular form of… Continue reading Understanding Conscious Sedation During Dental Procedures

5 Benefits of Ceramic Dental Onlays

For patients suffering from damaged or decaying teeth, ceramic dental onlays provide an effective solution. An alternative to crowns, these ceramic onlays have a higher success rate of saving teeth, functioning as a long-lasting repair for damaged teeth.  Essentially, the affected tooth is wrapped in ceramic onlays, which fit over the tooth, covering a large… Continue reading 5 Benefits of Ceramic Dental Onlays

What to Expect During Teeth Whitening Treatments

As you grow older, your teeth age with you. Years of eating and drinking, and in some cases smoking, antibiotics, or even too much fluoride, can begin to take its toll on our teeth, staining and discoloration of your no-longer pearly whites.  The answer to this is teeth whitening. Here at Kozlow and Rowell, we… Continue reading What to Expect During Teeth Whitening Treatments

How Dentures Can Improve Your Overall Health

For patients with missing teeth, dentures are the perfect solution. Dentures provide them with a fresh new smile. The natural appearance of dentures replaces gaps in the teeth, so patients can feel confident when they smile.  While this solution improves oral care, it also drastically improves a patient’s overall mental and physical health. Here are… Continue reading How Dentures Can Improve Your Overall Health

Why Mercury-Free Dentistry Is So Important

In holistic dentistry, dentists ensure that their patients’ overall well-being is prioritized, not just their oral health. When patients need fillings, holistic dentists often recommend non-metal fillings.  Metal fillings contain a toxic substance called mercury, which can lead to serious health problems. Choosing mercury-free dentistry can prevent harmful mercury exposure. The Kozlow and Rowell team… Continue reading Why Mercury-Free Dentistry Is So Important

How Holistic Dentistry Is Different from Traditional Oral Care

Holistic dentistry is on the rise. Not only does it consider your oral hygiene, but holistic dentistry also cares for the overall health of your body. Let’s look at the major differences between holistic dentistry and traditional oral care.  What Is Holistic Dentistry? Holistic dentistry is an alternative to how you might traditionally think about… Continue reading How Holistic Dentistry Is Different from Traditional Oral Care

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