Dental Implants Provide A Strong Connection

Dental Implants Provide A Strong Connection

dental implants dallas txLosing your teeth can be a tough feeling. After all, you depend on your smile every day to make a great first impression; when you struggle with a failing set of teeth, that could be tougher than it needs to be. Thankfully, with dental implants, patients are able to experience a strong connection between prosthetic and bone tissue within the jaw. This revolutionary approach to prosthodontic repair provides real results without the need for clasps or adhesives.

At our office in Dallas, TX, you have an opportunity to uplift your smile with a dental implant solution. With dental implants, you can experience smile renewal that both looks great and provides chewing power. Implants are strong enough to chew even the toughest foods, so if you have been missing pizza or bagels, take this chance to learn more. Call our office today!

How Are Dental Implants Able to Create a Secure Foundation?

You may have heard about dental implant technology, but have you ever really sat down to learn how they work? This revolutionary approach to prosthodontics centers around the placement of a threaded metal post within the bone tissue of the jaw. Now, the choice of metal here is important; dentists and oral surgeons opt for titanium because of the way it interacts with the immune system.

With other metals, the body tries to fight back against the foreign object. By using titanium, however, the implant post remains while the bone tissue actually heals around it, even into the threads. After a short period of recovery, your dentist can attach a beautiful, lifelike prosthetic to the implant post. At this point, you have a stable foundation, a strong connection, and a sturdy prosthodontic repair. Even if the prosthetic becomes damaged, a new one can replace it, attached to the same implant post.

Missing More Than One Tooth? Dental Implants Are Versatile

Dental implant technology has the power to revamp a smile, and that can sometimes mean the replacement of several teeth. Whether you need a single-tooth solution or a full mouth of implant-retained dentures, our team is here to help. We understand the value of a quality smile, and we’ve seen the advantage of dental implants.

If your teeth have simply begun to fail you, let’s have a conversation about whether dental implants are your next step. It all starts with a consultation at our office, right here in Dallas.

Renew Your Smile With A Dental Implant Solution

When your smile starts to fade, talk to a trusted oral health team about your possibilities through dental implant technology. To find out more about the advantages of dental implants, call Kozlow & Rowell at (972) 458-2464 today. Let’s start a journey toward sustained smile success!