This treatment option is convenient because patients can achieve dramatic results without weeks of time wasted on ineffective over-the-counter products like strips or toothpastes that contain harsh abrasives. Professional teeth whitening is not only effective; it is safe for teeth – especially because those receiving treatment are in the care of a cosmetic dentist.
Zoom! is an in-office teeth whitening treatment administered by our cosmetic dentist. This treatment involves applying a prescription-strength whitening solution to teeth and using a concentrated beam of laser light to accelerate the teeth lightening process.
Zoom! whitening treatment does not take more than an hour. When patients first arrive for treatment, they will be taken back to one of our treatment rooms. After lying back in our comfortable examination chairs, an oral appliance is placed inside the mouth to hold it open and protective eyewear is put on next. We then will apply materials to protect the gums from making contact with the whitening solution.
After this point, the whitening solution is painted over the front sides of teeth in thin layers. Once the solution is in place, the Zoom! whitening laser is positioned where it hovers above the mouth, directly over teeth. Every fifteen minutes or so, we will apply more whitening solution since it does dry out. After an hour’s time, the treatment is over and we can gauge the effectiveness of treatment by comparing the color of teeth before and after whitening with shade indicators.
Many of our patients enjoy smiles with teeth up to ten shades lighter than prior to treatment. Zoom! teeth whitening effectively removes deep, permanent tooth stains. If cosmetic dental treatments interest you, call the office of Dr. Kozlow at your convenience to schedule a smile makeover consultation.