Give Your Smile A Makeover With Veneers

Dallas, TX, dentist offers veneers Dallas, TX, dentist offers veneers

Our teeth can become stained due to various factors. Some of our favorite beverages can lead to our pearly whites turning yellowish shades, or injuries can lead to dark stains. In some cases, you may be able to remove these stains with professional teeth whitening treatment. If your teeth don’t respond to these treatments, your Dallas, TX dentist offers alternative solutions like composite or porcelain veneers. In our blog today, we’re here to talk about how this cosmetic treatment can upgrade your smile.

Prioritize Your Oral Health First

The goal of veneers is to disguise the appearance of blemishes with lifelike appearing custom shells. This procedure covers blemishes and imperfections but cannot repair tooth damage. Before starting this treatment, your dentist will thoroughly examine your teeth and gums first to ensure you are in excellent oral health. If you have injuries such as a chip or crack, your dentist may recommend restorations like a dental crown to restore your tooth. After this consultation, we will take an impression of your smile to create your custom-made shells.

Choosing Between Composite And Porcelain

This cosmetic treatment uses custom shells to cover your natural tooth and disguise the appearance of discoloration, blemishes, gaps, and other imperfections. We offer two types of veneers in our office: porcelain and composite. Porcelain is a commonly used material for this cosmetic upgrade. We will craft custom shells out of porcelain to blend in with your natural smile. This process can take up to three appointments to prepare and secure the shells. Alternatively, we also offer composite ones that are removable and lifelike. Composite veneers may be a wonderful option for patients who want to improve the appearance of their smile without the more invasive preparation required for porcelain.

Maintaining Your Cosmetic Treatment

One significant advantage of veneers is that they are long-lasting and highly durable. In many cases, this cosmetic upgrade can last around ten years or more and requires minimal maintenance. After you have completed this treatment, you will be able to eat and drink as usual. To care for your veneers, you will need to continue following your regular oral hygiene routine to protect your teeth from cavities and gingivitis. Remember to brush and floss at least twice a day to prevent stains and decay from harming your natural teeth below the composite or porcelain facings. Your dentist will show you how to carefully floss around them to avoid damaging the structures. The materials used for this cosmetic procedure are stain-resistant, but you may want to practice caution when consuming beverages like coffee and soda.

Schedule An Appointment With Our Team

Our cosmetic treatments can help you achieve a blemish-free smile. To learn more, call Kozlow & Rowell Dentistry in Dallas, TX, today at (972) 458-2464.