Maintaining Healthy Teeth and Gums Through the Retirement Years

When we’re young retirement seems like an eternity away, but time passes quickly, and before you know it you’re entering that special time where work is in the past and enjoying the fruits of your labor is at hand. One thing you can do to make the “golden years” a joy is to have maintained excellent oral health on the journey to retirement. Our dentist can play a key role in helping you to achieve this goal.
Aging does not mean acceptance for things like tooth loss, gum disease, or the myriad of mouth problems many seniors believe are a natural part of the aging process. Nothing could be further from the truth. To enjoy great teeth and gums at any age requires some effort on the part of the patient:
Brushing – A soft bristle tooth brush and fluoridated tooth paste used twice every day will help to promote healthy teeth.
Flossing – This only takes a couple of minutes every day; but this daily act is actually as critical to maintaining great teeth and gums as brushing. Used correctly, dental floss will remove food debris your tooth brush may miss as well as keep gum tissue stimulated. Our dentist or hygienist will be happy to show you the best method for flossing success.
Visit the dentist – Seeing your dental provider twice a year throughout your life will help control plaque build-up which can lead to dental decay, gum disease, and the potential for tooth loss.
Lifestyle habits and the way we eat throughout life can have a great deal to do with our oral health as we age. Eating a diet that includes fruits and vegetables and limiting sugary snacks and beverages is beneficial. Tobacco use is not only hard on your body, but it is a proven fact that smokers fall victim to gum disease at a much higher rate than non-users.
Gum recession is more common with aging. Dental bonding is a great solution that not only provides relief for exposed dentin, but also a cosmetic enhancement to keep your smile looking great.
Retirement is not a signal that we can abandon the good habits that got us to that point. Continue to brush and floss daily; and see our dentist every six months to keep your biological teeth healthy for life.
Call us at the office of Dr. Kozlow to schedule your next cleaning appointment and keep that mouth healthy!