Is Your Mouth Stressed Out?

Stress is everywhere … work, home, commuting in your car or public transportation, school, health concerns, appearance, finances, kids … stress producing conditions are daily and there seems to be no escape. One of the symptoms resulting from daily stresses can be found and treated by your dentist … a solution for teeth grinding and jaw clenching.
You might not even realize you are dealing with this dental problem. A partner may hear the problem (teeth grinding) during periods of sleep. Awakening with discomfort in the neck, jaw, head, or mouth are clues that should not be ignored.
Your visits to the dentist every six months can help to identify a problem … your dental provider can often spot the worn dental enamel or change in bite during an exam. But if you are experiencing any of the symptoms, waiting can only exacerbate the situation. And relief can be as simple as being fitted with a customized night guard.
A night guard can be made to fit your specific needs. Size, style, and materials can vary. The important part of the equation though is to diagnose the need and then obtain a custom fitted night guard.
A night guard made specifically for you is more beneficial than a generic night guard that can be obtained at the drug store or online. Even though many advertise the ability to adjust their fit, if it doesn’t feel good or fit properly, you won’t wear it.
The purpose of a night guard is to prevent the patient from grinding their teeth and clenching their jaw. This can become a habit and usually gets its start during periods of sleep very often the result of unresolved daily stressors. The night guard is an apparatus that simply slips over the teeth preventing teeth from making contact throughout the night.
If grinding and clenching continue, the patient might very well continue this habit into the day as well. Since both daytime and nighttime grinding is done subconsciously, prevention started at night will often carry over into daytime.
We can’t always eliminate stress; but managing the problems associated with stress is important for overall as well as dental health. Your dentist might recommend therapy or exercise to help deal with stress; wearing a custom night guard will help to protect teeth and enhance dental health.
For more information, contact the office of Dr. Philip Kozlow. Call 972-458-2464 today to schedule your visit.