Our veneers are all custom-made for your smile, there is no one-size-fits-all approach, as every smile is unique. We begin by gently numbing the tooth or teeth that will receive dental restorations. We then gently remove a thin layer of outer enamel from the tooth, which enables us to make room for the restoration. Our team takes images of the tooth from multiple angles with digital technology, using them to create the 3D impression that we craft the restorations from. The porcelain material can handle daily bite forces with ease, and can be color matched to blend with your smile.
Once your veneers are complete, you will return for a second visit so we can check the fit and if needed, make some final adjustments to your restorations. The final versions are then attached with a powerful bonding agent. Good oral hygiene habits can help them stay bright, and also safeguard the tooth we’ve attached the veneer to, so be sure you brush and floss daily, cut back on the sugar and starch in your diet, and make time to see our team for a checkup and cleaning every six months.
Since these restorations cover the front and sides of each tooth, they can be used to mask the teeth stains too severe for a traditional whitening treatment. We also close gaps between the teeth and even correct the appearance of misalignment, so you can enjoy a straighter-looking smile without the need for braces or aligners.
Veneers can also repair minor chips and cracks, lengthen worn down tooth structure, and also correct malformed teeth too! Essentially, they can transform the appearance of your smile in only two visits. If you have any questions about how we diagnose and place our custom porcelain veneers, or if you would like to undergo treatment to start 2024 with a stunning smile, then please reach out to our team today to learn more.
Our team wants to help you enjoy a smile that looks great and makes you confident, which is why we offer cosmetic dentistry for our patients, which includes our custom and lifelike porcelain restorations. We know how important an attractive smile can be, so schedule your appointment with your Dallas, TX restorative dentists at (972) 458-2464. We want to help your smile shine in 2024 and beyond!