04 Aug What precautions are taken when removing my amalgam fillings?
Safe amalgam removal has become a hot topic in recent years with the concerns that dental amalgam contains mercury. Although declared a safe product by the American Dental Association, continued amalgam use has been banned in some countries; manyU.S.offices prefer not to use dental amalgam in the repair of dental decay.
Dentists that pursue holistic dentistry are concerned about the effects of amalgam use on the overall health of their patient, not just how this treatment impacts the mouth. If an amalgam dental filling has been compromised by being cracked, additional decay is found in a previously treated tooth, or the patient requests replacing a silver filling with a more aesthetically pleasing composite resin filling, the dentist will make sure:
- The patient’s safety is the number one priority … if an amalgam filling is being removed, all precautions will be taken to prevent exposure to any hazardous material. Concerns about mercury vapors will be addressed. There will be barricades put in place to prevent possible swallowing of any part of the removed filling.
- When a silver metal filling is removed to be replaced by another filling, composite resin is used as this plastic material is completely safe and tooth colored, enhancing dental aesthetics.
- When an amalgam filling requires repair, it may not be in the patient’s best interest to fix with another filling. A large broken or cracked filling may better serve the patient by restoring the tooth with a dental crown. Another filling can compromise the tooth, further risking breaking the tooth down. Damage to the dental nerve may occur. And if the nerve is damaged, further treatment in the way of endodontic therapy may be required to save the tooth.
- Safe amalgam removal must be approached by a dentist who is trained and experienced in this aspect of dentistry.
To learn more about your options, contact the office of Dr. Philip Kozlow at 972-458-2464 today to schedule an appointment.