15 Nov Receding Gums: Are dental implants still an option?
Since their introduction as an alternative to dentures as a method of tooth restoration, dental implants have become hugely popular, thanks to the number of benefits they hold over other forms of treatment.
However, because of the process involved in fitting a patient with dental implants, an implant dentist may have reservations about applying the treatment where certain factors exist. A patient’s age, or their general state of health, for example may exclude a patient from receiving implant treatment.
The condition of a patient’s gums and jawbone may also have a bearing on whether or not dental implant treatment can take place, although treatments do exist that can allow patients to receive implant treatment. Some patients may find they have insufficient bone mass with which to adequately support an implant; this can happen if there is a delay between the tooth being lost, and the patient seeking treatment.
When a tooth is lost, the stimulus between tooth and bone which encourages and maintains healthy bone matter is lost, and so the bone begins to lose density. The same is true for gum tissue, which is also affected by any delay in seeking a replacement tooth.
The dental implant is required to be placed into the patient’s gum tissue where it fuses onto the jawbone to provide strength. Where jawbone loss occurs, there may be insufficient bone available to provide adequate support to the implant, while insufficient amounts of gum tissue may allow the implant to be visible within the mouth.
However, even if a patient doesn’t have sufficient gum tissue or jawbone mass to automatically qualify for treatment, an implant dentist can graft the required amount of tissue into the affected area in order to increase the patient’s chances of successfully receiving dental implants.
For receding gums, the graft can be taken from elsewhere in the mouth and attached to the affected area to create a normal gum line. This helps to restore the appearance of the gums, and also helps to guard against further gum tissue recession.
While the normal success rate of dental implants is very high, receding gums may contribute to treatment failure if the problem is not addressed. A consultation with Dr. Philip Kozlow can reveal whether a patient possesses sufficient gum tissue to allow for the best chance of dental implant success. Call our North Dallas office at 972-458-2464 to schedule your visit today.