What Causes Baby Bottle Tooth Decay?

Nobody wants to go to sleep hungry. This is true for babies, children, and adults alike. But providing your child with a bottle containing milk, formula, or juice just before or in their bed can lead to unforeseen problems that many parents do not consider. Beverages that contain sugar are major contributors to premature dental decay and having to see the family dentist earlier than planned.
When a youngster falls asleep with a bottle, it is very likely that an amount of the beverage in the bottle will remain in the child’s mouth throughout sleep. Unless your child’s bottle contains only water, the beverage likely will contain sugar. You wouldn’t allow your child to fall asleep sucking on a piece of candy, but allowing the practice of taking a bottle to bed can lead to similar consequences. [pullquote]Good dental health is essential to overall good health, and it is never too early to initiate the positive habits your child will carry for a lifetime.[/pullquote]
There are several reasons why giving your child a bottle to fall asleep can be problematic:

  • Your child’s primary teeth are essential to the proper growth of their permanent teeth. Early dental decay can lead to a lifetime of problems.
  • Dental decay will create considerable discomfort for your baby.
  • Having to visit the dentist for the first time due to dental decay can be a very traumatic experience leading to a lifetime of trepidation when faced with going to the dentist.

As soon as your child’s baby teeth erupt is not too soon to gently cleanse their teeth. Using a very soft bristle tooth brush and a small amount of age appropriate toothpaste to prevent the build-up of plaque is a very good start to a lifetime of positive dental habits. At one year of age, a visit to your family dentist is not too young to make sure your child’s teeth are healthy and that you are doing everything possible to ensure that those baby teeth will stay decay free.
Brushing your child’s teeth and visiting our dentist is not a free pass to allow a child to endlessly suck on a baby bottle unless you will be firm in your conviction that water is the only beverage you will allow. Good dental health is essential to overall good health, and it is never too early to initiate the positive habits your child will carry for a lifetime. Call our Dallas office today to schedule your six-month check-up.