What is a smile makeover?

What is a smile makeover?

There are many ways one can go about making over their smile.  Depending on what you need to complete your makeover, Dr. Philip R. Kozlow, your cosmetic dentist serving Dallas, has many answers to help you achieve the results you are seeking.
One of the most dramatic ways to make over your smile is by whitening your teeth.  If your teeth have become drab and dull, in office whitening offers a quick solution to brighten your smile.  In just a couple of hours your cosmetic dentist can whiten your teeth several shades.
If you try to conceal your teeth because they are crooked, cracked or have unattractive stains, Dr. Kozlow has many solutions to address these issues.
Bonding is a procedure that allows the option to repair decayed teeth, chipped or cracked teeth, and improve the appearance of stained or discolored teeth.  Bonding allows the cosmetic dentist to fill in spaces to improve the appearance of gaps between your teeth, change the shape of your teeth or protect the portion of the tooth’s root that has been exposed due to gum recession.  Bonding is less invasive than many cosmetic procedures, and is best suited for small cosmetic changes.
Dental veneers are tooth colored shells or a layer of tooth colored porcelain that is placed over the front surface of one or several teeth to correct worn tooth enamel, uneven tooth alignment or spacing, chips, cracks or discoloration.  Veneers can create a durable, bright smile with the need for little to no removal of tooth structure, and are suitable if bonding is not adequate for your smile makeover.
For more extensive or serious dental problems, your cosmetic dentist might recommend orthodontics to enhance your smile makeover. Or if you have a broken tooth that is not repairable with bonding or dental veneers, your dentist will perhaps suggest a dental crown, which is a “cap” that is designed to provide stability to a tooth that is not viable on its own.
For a permanent solution for a missing tooth a dental implant could be the ultimate answer for your smile makeover.  A dental implant is placed in your gum tissue to work as the “root” of your new tooth.  After the placed implant has healed, a restoration is made to match your existing teeth and is permanently placed over the implant.
There are many options to consider when thinking about a smile makeover.  The place to start is an honest conversation with your cosmetic dentist so you can achieve the absolute best result. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Kozlow, please call (972) 458-2464 today.