07 Dec What You Need to Know About TMJ Disorder

TMJ Disorder can be difficult to diagnose. There is no one symptom to point to a definitive diagnosis. TMJ is the abbreviated term for temporomandibular joint disorder. This joint is located in front of the ear just above the jaw. Any pain or inflammation in this area might lead one to believe they have TMJ disorder. But there are so many things that can cause discomfort in the TMJ.
This joint enables the chewing motion of both up and down and side to side. There are many bones and muscles that work in conjunction with this joint. Headaches, neck pain, ear infections and numerous other ailments can be attributed to abnormalities of the TMJ. But all of these symptoms may not be resolved with one particular treatment.
Grinding and clenching is often attributed to stress and often the treatment is to employ the use of a mouth guard. If grinding and clenching is due to TMJ disorder, the treatment may be the same.
However, an ear ache or head ache might very well be due to problems not related to the TMJ. Usually an over the counter medication can offer relief for the common neck or headaches whether or not related to TMJ. But an ear ache due to an infection from a cold or sinus virus might require an antibiotic to prevent a more serious problem like a burst ear drum, and is totally not related to TMJ.
If you suffer from neck, jaw, head or ear discomfort and you cannot pinpoint the cause, or if you know you clench or grind your teeth, a visit to Dr. Kozlow might provide answers to your questions and a solution for relief. To learn more and to schedule your consultation, please call the office of Dr. Kozlow at 972-458-2464 today.