Why Would I Need a Porcelain Crown?

Before the accepted use of porcelain in dentistry, crowns were generally made of metal and often covered with different qualities of gold. Consequently, every time you opened your mouth, you announced to the world how much time you’ve spent at the dentist. But now, thanks to the availability of porcelain crowns in Dallas, the need for a crown is no longer a dreaded procedure.

A crown, also referred to as a “cap”, is basically just that. When a tooth suffers due to excessive dental decay or breaks down for any reason, but the base of the tooth is still viable, a dental crown is the optimum treatment because it caps or covers what is left of your tooth.

Your dentist will assess the need and determine exactly what type of crown is best for you. The beauty of porcelain crowns offers you exactly that feature … beauty. Imagine being able to smile broadly without showing gold or steely grey in your smile.

A porcelain crown can serve many purposes. Since a crown is made to totally encapsulate the balance of your existing tooth, a crown can strengthen a tooth weakened by decay or protect a tooth that is cracked.

Often a patient that has undergone a root canal requires a crown to complete treatment. For patients who have suffered tooth loss, a porcelain crown placed over a dental implant offers the closest thing to having your own tooth back. And porcelain allows your dentist to match the shade of your crown to your natural teeth making a crown virtually undetectable.

One other benefit to an all porcelain crown is relief for people who suffer from metal allergies.

It is important to note that areas of the mouth, like the back molars that sustain the heaviest chewing load, might be better treated with a ceramic or porcelain to metal crown. Although research on crowns made from all porcelain continues to find ways to make them stronger and more durable, they are presently more suitable for the teeth in the smile line.

Care of all dental crowns is the same. Good oral hygiene habits of flossing daily to help keep plaque from forming at the gum line and brushing a minimum of twice per day along with twice annual visits to our dentist for a professional cleaning and exam will keep your smile and crown dazzling for many years.