Dental Crowns

Will my dental crown be noticeable?

Patients who are need of dental crowns want a subtle restoration that won’t stand out from the rest of their smiles. That is possible thanks to advanced dental technology and materials, like those used in CEREC crowns.

Not only does a dental crown blend in seamlessly with the rest of your smile, but today’s tools allow your dentist to create and place that crown in a single setting. You get results that are aesthetically pleasing and efficient!

Dental Crown Design: A Natural Appearance

While a dental crown’s primary function is to restore integrity to a damaged tooth, it also plays an important role in preserving the smile’s appearance. Therefore, it should look natural in terms of the characteristics that contribute to a tooth’s visual appeal, like:

  • Shade
  • Shape
  • Size/Proportion to surrounding teeth

Custom-made dental crowns will be based on the patient’s unique specifications, resulting in a natural-looking restoration that integrates with the rest of the smile.

CEREC Offers Maximum Patient Convenience

A new approach to dental crowns known as CEREC, which stands for Chairside Economical Restorations of Esthetic Ceramic, leverages specialized software and an in-office milling unit to create a crown out of a lifelike ceramic material in a single appointment.

With CEREC, your dentist will take the necessary imaging of the targeted tooth, and that imaging is interpreted by CAD software that develops the desired design of your crown. That design is then transmitted to our in-house milling unit, where the crown is actually created.

The crown is ready and placed on the tooth in a matter of hours, so the patient doesn’t have to suffer through weeks wearing an unattractive, uncomfortable temporary crown.

Keep in mind that as with all dental crowns, CEREC restorations can be adjusted prior to being placed on your tooth, so don’t hesitate to speak up if some aspect of your crown is unsatisfactory to you.

If you need a dental crown, we can provide one that looks almost identical to your biological teeth – and we can do it in just one appointment. Call Kozlow & Rowell Dentistry and speak to one of our knowledgeable staff members for more information about CEREC. Better yet, schedule a no-obligation consultation.