Holistic Same-Day CEREC Crowns

Holistic Same-Day CEREC Crowns

dallas cerec same day crownsWhen you have a tooth that has been broken or fractured, or one with severe decay, we could recommend a dental crown. Our CEREC crowns only take one visit to create and place, and offer a natural-looking appearance too. Our Dallas, TX holistic dental office provides lifelike same-day dental crowns!

When Teeth Need Restoration

The dental crown covers the tooth, which enables us to handle a host of minor and serious restorative issues, protecting the tooth from infection or being lost. Our team could prescribe one if you have severe tooth decay, or we may recommend one to complete a root canal for an infected tooth. Placement could be used to repair cracked or broken teeth, add length to teeth worn down by bruxism (teeth grinding), or to correct misshapen teeth. Placement can help improve overall bite balance and chewing function too. We could even use one or more to secure a bridge or restore a dental implant, aiding in tooth replacement for people with missing teeth.

The CEREC System

At one time, receiving a crown meant committing to two to three visits. But we use the CEREC CAD/CAM system to design, craft, and place them in only one visit. To begin, we will numb your tooth so you are comfortable as we remove structure from the tooth to make room for them. Next, we take detailed digital images of the tooth with an imaging wand. We then combine the images to create a 3D model, which we unload into an onsite milling machine. The machine will craft the restoration from ceramic, a material that can be color matched to look natural and also handle daily bite forces and pressures.

The Placement Process

In the same sitting, we will check the fit of the restoration and if necessary, make some final adjustments. Our team then attaches it with a powerful bonding agent, one we also use to secure bridges in place. With proper care and attention, your dental restorations can last for years to come, staying bright and beautiful the entire time. If you have any questions about how our team will design and fabricate a custom crown, and then place it in the same visit, then contact our team today to learn more. We want to help you smile with confidence and avoid major complications with your smile.

Schedule Your Cosmetic Appointment in Far North Dallas With Kozlow & Rowell!

We want to provide lifelike restorations in only one visit with our CEREC options, so you enjoy lifelike and long-lasting results. To learn more about cosmetic treatment options or to schedule an appointment, give us a call at your local Dallas, TX cosmetic dentists at (972) 458-2464.