Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are a common and very important restoration that helps protect tooth structure from damage and decay while also restoring broken and diseased teeth to their proper size and shape. Since crowns are custom made, past technology required patients to visit their dentist at...

A fractured tooth can have serious effects in the long-term if the patient does not get adequate treatment. Ultimately, the tooth may be lost and adjacent teeth can also be compromised in the aftermath. In such cases, dental crowns can help to save a patient’s biological...

Dental crowns are ideal to save teeth damaged extensively from dental decay; teeth that have been broken or cracked; or as a final restoration for endodontic therapy or dental implants. Dental crowns have been the standard of treatment for many decades. The primary change that has...

  Teeth that have been subjected to either amalgam or composite resin to repair dental decay are left in a weakened condition. If one of these treated teeth suffers from further decay, an additional filling could result in fracturing the tooth. Since salvaging teeth is optimum,...