08 May A Simple Oral Appliance Brings Sleep Apnea Relief

Snoring occurs when the soft tissues in our throat relax during rest. As we breathe in and out, these tissues vibrate, which produces the sounds of snoring. For some, snoring may just be an annoying occurrence that roommates and bed partners have to contend with,...
Have you ever woken yourself up snoring? Do you wake with dry mouth and a headache? Perhaps you feel perpetually tired, even after sleeping for eight hours. While snoring might be a nuisance for some, for others it’s a symptom of a condition called obstructive...
If you’re feeling perpetually tired and keeping your loved ones up with loud snoring, you might have sleep apnea. This common sleep disorder prevents a person from achieving rejuvenating sleep. Instead, people with sleep apnea suffer with cycles of breathing cessation caused by airway blockages...
Sleep apnea is a serious condition that can rob you of your energy and take a toll on your health. If you think you might have sleep apnea, you will need to have a professional sleep study. A sleep study utilizes technology that monitors vital...
By now, you might have heard something about sleep apnea from a friend or the media. This common sleep disorder was not as well-known as it is now. Fortunately, research and advancements in diagnostic technology have made treating this disorder easier and more cost-effective for...
Sleep apnea is a condition where the patient literally stops breathing during periods of sleep. The airway becomes obstructed by tissue collapsing; and this can occur hundreds of times every night. The individual may be totally unaware of their condition; but their dentist is in...
Sleep apnea, a condition in which patients quit breathing for very short periods during sleep, can occur in varying degrees. Mild sleep apnea may have less of an effect on your quality of life, but you still should consider having this condition treated to get...
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and excessive snoring can greatly affect a person’s health and quality of life. Unfortunately, this condition can go undetected because its effects manifest during sleep. In recent years, OSA has gotten more media attention and fortunately, more folks are seeking treatment...
Sleep apnea is a condition where the individual experiences shallow or halted breathing during periods of sleep. This condition can be so severe, the patient may experience hundreds of episodes every night that interrupt sleep with potentially dangerous consequences. Diagnosing sleep apnea requires a sleep...