
happy woman at dental office sedation dentistry conceptYour time in the dentist's chair is important; when the right care is provided, it can also be surprisingly comfortable. Our Dallas, TX dental practice relies on a holistic approach to serving our patients. This means enjoying metal-free and mercury-free work along with a focus on making oral health care part of your overall commitment to your well-being. This can help put many people at ease when they come in, but some patients can still struggle with unease due to anxiety. What you should know is that dental sedation is available. With this support, we can make your experience a better one even if dental anxiety has long made appointments hard for you to enjoy.

happy woman's smile mercury-free dentistry conceptThere are times when a person's oral health requires restorative work. If you had this work done in the past, it may be difficult for others to overlook the evidence, as you may have a conspicuous filling made with a metal substance. In addition to looking out of place, these restorations can make patients uneasy for health reasons, as they can contain mercury! Our Dallas, TX dentist's office provides mercury-free dentistry. If you require our services to address a cavity or injury, we can place a restoration that is made from a more appealing substance. For example, we can place a dental filling made with a ceramic substance that goes unnoticed and lacks a potentially harmful material like mercury.

Man with nice smile porcelain veneers conceptHow ready are you to show off your smile when you enter a room? Can you greet friends and professional connections warmly, or do your concerns about the look of your teeth make you self-conscious? Dental flaws do not have to threaten your health to hurt your quality of life. Fortunately, conservative cosmetic dental procedures take on issues we have with how we look in order to resolve these issues. One way your Dallas, TX dentist can help is by offering care with porcelain veneers. These restorations are slim enough to minimize preparatory work on your tooth structure, but they are able to cover up all of your flaws and give you lasting improvements.

woman happy with dental work amalgam-free dentistry conceptEvidence of past dental work may be hard to hide when you smile. If you received an amalgam filling, its metallic appearance can stand out due to its contrast with your surrounding enamel. Its effect on your appearance can be frustrating on its own, but the presence of mercury in a restoration made with metal can also make you worry for your health. What can you do about that past work on your smile? At our Dallas, TX dental practice, we provide safe and effective amalgam removal. This replaces conspicuous fillings made from less desirable materials with a composite substance that matches your enamel. In addition to being more attractive, this material is free from worrying mercury and other materials you would prefer to avoid.

woman happy with dental care holistic dentistry conceptTraditional forms of dentistry can target active smile threats and protect you from serious harm. What you can find is that some dentists do so with less than desirable materials. When you find out your practice relies on materials like amalgam fillings, which can include mercury, to treat cavities, you can have understandable concerns. Fortunately, you can find that our Dallas, TX holistic dental office provides a different experience. Our commitment to holistic smile care provides prevention-focused care as well as treatments that avoid using less desirable materials. As we acquaint ourself with your needs, we can further personalize your visits to provide your ideal patient care.

Cosmetic dentistry is a term defined by dentists as a series of methods intended to improve a person’s smile. There are a variety of cosmetic treatments that restore a patient's smile, boosting their confidence. Cosmetic treatments encourage them to live their lives to the fullest,...

SMART stands for the Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique, a method used to safely remove amalgam fillings. Mercury fillings can be toxic for patients, causing neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s. Dentists who are trained in this method are said to be SMART certified. The International Academy...

Holistic dentists have the patient’s best interest at heart. They recognize that oral health and the patient’s overall well-being are not exclusive. This is why holistic dentists focus on the whole body and its interaction with oral health when assisting with care and recommending treatments.  The...

Often known as tooth decay, cavities are areas in the hard surface of the teeth that have become damaged. Common cavity causes include sugary snacks and drinks, bacteria build-up, or poor brushing and flossing habits.  Cavities are a common dental problem, especially among children and teenagers....