Metal Free Dentistry

woman happy with dental careDoes a metal filling remain in your smile to inform the world you had to undergo dental work? If so, you can feel frustrated by its prominence, and by how much it stands out next to your natural enamel. What you can also worry about is the potential health effect of a restoration made with amalgam or mercury remaining in your mouth. What you should know is that you do not have to feel stuck with this kind of restoration. Our Dallas, TX dental practice is prepared to safely remove and replace these fillings with healthier and more discreet composite alternatives! Our office also provides restorative services with ceramic restorations, including convenient same-day crowns!

In the fast paced world of today, eliminating the need for an extra dental appointment makes a lot of sense. Metal free dentistry with CEREC is a process that allows your dentist to complete a ceramic restoration in one visit. The very word CEREC stands for...