Cosmetic Dentist Dallas Tag

Cosmetic dentistry is a term defined by dentists as a series of methods intended to improve a person’s smile. There are a variety of cosmetic treatments that restore a patient's smile, boosting their confidence. Cosmetic treatments encourage them to live their lives to the fullest,...

SMART stands for the Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique, a method used to safely remove amalgam fillings. Mercury fillings can be toxic for patients, causing neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s. Dentists who are trained in this method are said to be SMART certified. The International Academy...

Holistic dentists have the patient’s best interest at heart. They recognize that oral health and the patient’s overall well-being are not exclusive. This is why holistic dentists focus on the whole body and its interaction with oral health when assisting with care and recommending treatments.  The...

For patients suffering from damaged or decaying teeth, ceramic dental onlays provide an effective solution. An alternative to crowns, these ceramic onlays have a higher success rate of saving teeth, functioning as a long-lasting repair for damaged teeth.  Essentially, the affected tooth is wrapped in ceramic...

For patients with missing teeth, dentures are the perfect solution. Dentures provide them with a fresh new smile. The natural appearance of dentures replaces gaps in the teeth, so patients can feel confident when they smile.  While this solution improves oral care, it also drastically improves...

Getting the beautiful, new smile that you desire takes planning. Still, taking the time to research your options, and working through the details with your cosmetic dentist will pay off in the long run. Together, you can determine which procedures are best for you, develop...

What are your options when you want to spruce up your smile a little? Maybe you’re not interested in a total smile renovation, but you’d like to refresh your teeth and boost your appearance. Every year, millions of patients select tooth whitening as the treatment...